Feb 7, 2012

Day 17

Pretty much a paperless day today.

English: 21 students; 1 sheet of paper; 21.

*Just a note, I'm trying a new format for posting. I think it looks nicer. Cleaner. If you have an objection, comment.

Happy 200th anniversary for Charles Dickens!
It just so happened that the AMC used this date to ask a math question in the AMC 10A, a test I took today. Since I want to keep the honor with the company, I won't publicly reveal it. Kudos to anyone who took the AMC 10 or the AMC 12; both are very difficult, puzzling tests. If you want more info, here's a link: amc.maa.org. You still have the opportunity to take the B test if your school offers it.

Well I can't just leave you with math, so here's a fun fact about Charles Dickens. His best selling book, A Tale of Two Cities sold 200 million copies!

However, looking on the dark side, each book was an average of 380 pages (It was posted in serial, hardback, and paperback) or 190 sheets of paper.
190 • 200,000,000 = 38,000,000,000

Once again, based off of a 90,000 sheet: 1 tree ratio, about 422,222 trees were killed to publish this book over and over again. As a writer for A Paper Project, I hope that people will realize how large these mammoth numbers actually are and take a stand. Books don't need to be put on paper. With the Electronic age in progress, books can now be read on devices, things that don't kill trees. So what should we do? We need to raise awareness. We need to show people that we care about these kinds of things. And maybe, if enough of us do it, people will listen to us. 1 person may not mean a lot, but a million "1 person" is monumental.

So next time you see someone throw away a piece of paper that has barely any writing on it, question them. Inform him/her of the dangers that our world is soon approaching because of the killing of trees. And maybe, he/she will change. He/she will become another "1 person", another person devoted to our cause. One who will take a stand.

So take a stand today.

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